
Comparative: Greed and Corruption in 'The Pardoners Tale' and 'A Simple Plan'

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Both Geoffrey Chaucer in “The Pardoners Tale” and Sam Raimi in the film “A Simple Plan” composed moral tales exploring the concept of greed and corruption. Both composers suggest that a person’s good morals can be easily corrupted by the power of greed; both composers explore the fatal consequences of greed and corruption which affirms the importance of a morally sound society. However, Chaucer, composing in a medieval context communicates that greed and corruption may be fostered by a lack of material comfort or wealth suggesting that moral standing comes from deep, religious foundation while Raimi composing within a contemporary timeframe, conveys when physical conditions are inadequate, the temptation to be greedy is increased, this …show more content…

Chaucer composed during the fourteenth century where corruption within a church which advocates honesty, Raimi composed in the twentieth century where secular society is concerned with the affairs of this world that is temporal. Chaucer explores the idea that the tale corrupts, that they begin as bad people but begin to get worse until it leads to death in The Pardoners Tale. He cleverly uses emotive language in order to manipulate the responders, it is a blunt, brisk powerful narrative that positions the audience to feel the same emotions that those of the tale are feeling and gets a sense that you are going on the journey of corruption. This effectively positions the responder to get the strong, confusing emotions they are feeling and makes them feel as though they are involved in the situation. In contrast, Sam Raimi demonstrates that the responder becomes complicit in the corruption. This is evident through his successful use of extreme close up in the scene where the fox and the crow are seen as predators. This reflects the idea of death and cunningness that comes from the stereotyped characteristics of the animals, and how the simplicity of the characters later is corrupted with evil morals. Raimi is positioning the responder to accept the fact that a person’s good morals can be corrupted by

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