
Compare And Contrast Congreve And Maugham's Treatment Of Love

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Congreve and Maugham - Treatment of love in their Comedies’ deals with their different approaches to love. With his refined fancy and a sense of realism, Congreve could add to the wit and satire of the Restoration period, his approach to love was unique in its own way as he could provide purity of subject and delicacy of treatment. His approach to love was emotional, idealistic, artistic and sophisticated. Congreve could harmonize the irony, wit and insolent words of Restoration comedy with his delicate treatment of love and balanced treatment both as a writer and as an artist. His contribution was in the purity of matter and delicacy of form, it was unique thing in the restoration period. Maugham was very practical and subtle in his approach …show more content…

Being a medical man, he believed that love was a biological requirement based on sex. Actually, it was sex, which predominated and love hardly existed in life. Maugham studied love and sex under three headings – 1. Woman as a symbol of love and sex, 2. Woman and her sex appeal and 3 Attitude to love, sex and marriage. As a man of science and scientific background he rationalized love and presented it in his comedies in a rational and realistic manner. Of course, both Congreve and Maugham dealt with love, sex and marriage in their various comedies but their approaches and treatments were entirely different and they had shown their originality in their individualistic conceptions of …show more content…

In his different comedies, he satirized manners in a pure and simple manner and people were highly spell-bound by it. Love was the background of all his works, in ‘The Old Bachelor,’ ‘The Double Dealer,’ ‘Love for Love.’ ‘The Way of The World,’ love had been treated with perfect delicacy, courtly sophistication and artificiality. According to Leigh Hunt, we came across in him heartless lords and ladies who used to say witty things to one another, and were always buzzing in some maze of intrigue. Congreve laid more stress on brilliance and the virtues of style than on the depth of life. He was also saved from oblivion by the sheer strength of style. BonamyDobree further quoted Meredith : “He hits the mean of a fine style and a natural in dialogue. He is at once precise and voluble … In this he is a classic, and is worthy of treading a measure with Moliere.” Thus, the world of Congreve had its limited framework in spite of the treatmentof love. “In this solid frame-work, which offers nothing exceptional, psychological raillery and dialogue are displayed with incomparable brilliance.” His presentation became personal idealistic and realistic for example, the characters of Millamant and Mirabell combined heart, mind and all sensibilities. “The exact and restrained skill of a master tones down the radiance of these figures, who came very near to their realm of romantic fancy, without actually entering

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