
Compare And Contrast Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Dualism

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Different Packaging Same Nut The connection between the human body and mind has often been speculated by philosophers for centuries. The intellect of a human being was regularly separated from the self, because of this, psychological analysis was often flawed. It wasn’t until mid-eighteen hundreds that correlation between the mind and the body was truly discovered. Robert Lewis Stevenson explored these new discoveries through his novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. H.G Wells also dipped a toe into this pool of newly obtained knowledge with the publication of The Island of Dr. Moreau. In both novels dualism is extremely evident when looking at the awareness of one’s self, identification of one’s demons, and the suppression of …show more content…

Moreau, much like many of the other novels that were written during that time, focuses on the characters journey in finding or losing one self. In this novel Wells demonstrates the effects that abandonment, and complete seclusion could do to a person. He exhibits these effects through his main character, Dr. Moreau, who in the solitude of his island conducted experiments on exotic animals. These experiments were based off of the newly found idea of Darwinism; Moreau would try to contort not only the animal figure, but also the mind into that of a humans. It was while Moreau was conducting these experiments that Prendick hears horrific sounds that he describes as “… if all the pain in the world had found a voice… (Wells, 8).” This correlates with Wells demonstration of Dr. Moreau, who in a way has lost his sense of morality, also his consideration of what is ethical no longer coincides with that of the rest of the world. It is evident in the novel that after Moreau has spent so much time on the island he no longer felt the need to consider the ethical implications of his experiments. Robert Lewis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, has a very similar occurrence to that of Dr. Moreau and his time on the island. Although, Dr. Jekyll doesn’t experiment on animals, he does experiment on himself. This is evident through the many times that Dr. Jekyll drinks his potion in order to transform in Mr. Hyde. While in the Island of Dr. Moreau, …show more content…

Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dr. Jekyll; this upstanding citizen, a true Victorian gentleman has created a potion to separate the dark side that is within us all. In this novel Stevenson, illustrates a way that one can face their demons. This novel brings a whole new scenario when it comes to bringing out one’s “wild child”, Mr. Hyde is the complete opposite of Dr. Jekyll; in a way he is the mirror reflection of Dr. Jekyll. This is because, a mirror image is often the person, but it has been flipped. Dr. Moreau on the other hand, has his creatures to be his mirror images. M’Ling, a creature that Dr. Moreau has created is the complete opposite of his creator. Unlike Moreau, M’Ling is kind, patient, and also a lot quieter than Moreau is. M’Ling is also extremely loyal, this is proven when M’Ling saves Montgomery’s life by attacking a fellow Beast Man and killing

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