
Compare And Contrast Essay On Mr Lockton

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Some people have different viewpoints on different things such as coffee. For example, some people like their coffee black, others like it sweet and light, while others like it with a little milk and sugar. The same can go with freedom and liberty. People who were loyalist, patriots, and slaves thought completely differently about who should have freedom and liberty, and what it meant to them.. During the American Revolution, different groups of people viewed freedom and liberty differently based upon their interactions with the British.
To begin, loyalists viewed freedom and liberty as radical. They believed a country not under British control would be detrimental to their way of life. One loyalist in the book Chains, by Laurie Halse Anderson, is Mr. Lockton. He was an extremely wealthy person, with close relations to the British. Mr. Lockton meets with the mayor of New York, another loyalist, and discusses about the increase patriotic talk. Referring to liberty, the mayor states, “The beast has grown too large.” By him using the word “beast” to describe liberty, it shows that he believes that the concept of it is a growing problem to his well being . Lockton goes on to help plot the murder of …show more content…

The patriots believed in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, which is what they thought the British were not giving them. The British were not giving them proper representation in Parliament, and the heavy taxes caused people to close their businesses. In the “ABC of Revolutionary War,” it states, “It was also used to describe people who felt or expressed strong unwillingness.” The author is saying that the rebels were unwilling to submit to the king’s policies. They felt like it was logical to have freedom and liberty if they were unhappy with what the king was making them do. When the king disapproved, the rebels felt like they had to keep pushing for their rights to have freedom and

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