
Compare And Contrast Federalists And Democratic Republicans

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Federalists versus Democratic-Republicans
A political party is defined as an organized group of people with roughly similar political views, that seeks to influence the public by getting its candidates elected to public office. During George Washington's first term, there were no publicly accepted political parties. During Washington's second term, two parties emerged. The Federalists and Democratic-Republicans are similar by being the first political parties to emerge and are different through their stances on government power, the economy, and foreign affairs, which all affected their group of supporters.
The Federalists and Democratic-Republicans are similar by being the first political parties to emerge. In 1797, George Washington stepped down from the presidency after two successful terms in office. Prior to this, towards the end of his last term, he wrote his farewell address which contained his advice to whatever comes after him. He warns the people that the emergence of political parties fighting to control the nation would cause divisive factions. While different groups existed while George Washington was president, he was the glue that kept the people together. But once he stepped down from office, two main political parties emerged and began competing for control of the presidency, Congress, and the states. These two political parties were the Federalists and the Democratic Republicans. The two had opposing views on nearly every policy, but both began at the same

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