
Compare And Contrast Flight Patterns And The King Of The Bingo Game

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Compare and Contrast: Flight Patterns and King of the Bingo Game Flight Patterns is a fictional story written by Sherman Alexie. King of the Bingo Game is a fictional story written by Ralph Ellison. The stories are circled around two men, and their struggle to justify their actions. They are dealing with personal struggles that make them consider what/why they are doing something. Therefore, the differences/similarities between the plot, character, and setting will be further examined. Plot Flight Patterns The introduction of the story was about a Native American from Spokane, Washington (Mays, 54). His name was William. He was married and had one small child. His issues began after he talked to his wife—who didn’t want him to go to work. As he was …show more content…

He wasn’t sure if they were as friendly as people out east—where he is from (584). Once he won the game he was afraid of not being able to fully win the money. So, he continued to justify his actions on not letting go of the button. No matter what the crowd or announcer was saying to him, he ignored them to do what he needed to do to win. No matter how much he tried to justify, he was afraid to lose the money. Character Flight Patterns The main character of the story was William. William was a Native American from Spokane, Washington (54). He was a business man, and he had a wife and child. They were both Native American, as well. His wife’s name was Marie, and his daughter’s name was Grace. The cab driver’s name was Fekadu, and he was from Ethiopia. King of the Bingo Game The main character was a man. His name was not mentioned in the story. There were other minor characters that were noted, but the names and further descriptions were not mentioned. However, he did speak about a woman named Laura, and why he needed to win the money (584). The entire story revolved around this man, and how he felt about bingo.

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