
Compare And Contrast Johnny And Dally

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Comparing and Contrast Johnny and Dally How does one compare a tough and hard trouble-causing Greaser to a quiet, weak abused one? Two characters who can easily be described using opposite characteristics can also share similar ones. It is very true that in S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders, Dally and Johnny are both quite contrasting characters regarding their personality and law fidelity. However, they can also share likenesses through their family as well as their views towards life. Dallas Winston and Johnny Cade are both characters who share significant similarities, but also much contrast. Dally and Johnny share correspondence within their family life. For example, the two characters both are either abused by or neglected from their parents. …show more content…

Facing a life of misfortune and hardship, Dally’s only reason to live is for Johnny. Following Johnny’s death, Dally commits suicide as he no longer has a willpower to survive. However, Dally’s death does not come as an incredible surprise, and Ponyboy shows so when saying, “And even as the policemen’s guns spit fire into the night I knew that was what Dally wanted . . . [Dally] then slowly crumpled with a look of grim triumph on this face” (154). The story indicates that Dally always receives what he wants. Because Dally’s desire is to die, he makes certain that will happen. Similarly, Johnny also places little value onto his life, and makes it clear throughout the story when he says “‘I’ll kill myself or something’” (47). Johnny’s want for death sources from his neglect and abuse at home, and due to the neglect that he faces, he is left with a feeling of nothingness. During his final moments in the hospital, Johnny writes to Ponyboy, “‘I don’t mind dying now. It’s worth it. It’s worth saving those kids. Their lives are worth more than mine, they have more to live for’” (178). Perhaps Johnny is simply being humble, however, forgetting to mention that he has anything to live for could also suggest that he does not picture happiness in his future and therefore feels no inspiration to live. Though Dally and Johnny share resemblance towards their sense of personal value, they also are especially distinct from one

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