
Compare And Contrast Lamb To The Slaughter

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In both of these stories, Roald Dahl uses his beautiful yet simple descriptions to paint a picture of the main characters. Their actual physical characteristics differ in many ways, but somehow still manage to create a presumption of peaceful innocence. Mary Maloney, in “Lamb to the Slaughter” (Dahl 39-44), is physically described in a way that creates the impression to the reader of an angelic like beauty. He writes of her skin as having a “wonderful translucent quality” and describes her mouth as “soft”. The most descriptive, and again simple, physical feature written about Mary was of her eyes. “The eyes, with their new placid look, seemed larger, darker than before“. This can be interpreted as a change within Mary, possibly an anger or hate brewing for her husband who she outwardly loves and adores. …show more content…

Though Dahl does not state specifics on what actual physical traits are attributed to that estimation. She is presented as a sweet and kind woman. He states that she has a “warm, welcoming smile”. There are not many physical descriptions provided in the story of “The Landlady” (Dahl 52). Instead Dahl focuses his physical descriptions more on the leading male character in the story, just as he did in “Lamb to Slaughter”. Without physical descriptions, the reader is forced to picture the Landlady in their mind’s eye based upon her personality within the dialogue. Based on the observations, the Landlady appears to be charming and pleasant. At first, all of these impressions of both Mary and the Landlady that are given to the audience present them as loveable characters, a very misleading

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