
Compare And Contrast Lewis And Clark

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The Corps of Discovery, a unit of the United States of America’s Army made up of volunteers, was led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to discover the Pacific Northwest. Lewis and Clark became known as the most important members in the trip, but the Native Americans were even more important. Native Americans treated the Corps of Discovery well, and without their help, the Corps would not have been able to finish the journey. Meriwether Lewis became a soldier because of his father’s death, and that is why he met William Clark. When Lewis was five years old, his father died as a Revolutionary War officer and Lewis “became the man of the family, since his only brother was younger” (“Meriwether Lewis”). In 1794, when Lewis was twenty years …show more content…

Sacagawea was a Shoshone who was kidnapped by the Hidatsa. She still knew the Shoshone language and helped translate for the Corps. Another important thing is that since “women with babies did not travel with war parties, her presence would ease Indians’ fear of the explorers” (Robinson #40). “She also had a sense of what could be eaten along the way as well as finding food” (“The Voyage of Discovery: Sacagawea”). Also, one of the boats that were being traveled on capsized, but Sacagawea was able to find and save the most important parts. That included the records and journals that Lewis and Clark kept. In winter, food was scarce, but Sacagawea gave Clark a piece of bread she was saving for her son. In January 1806,“Clark and some of the others, including Sacagawea, ventured from camp to check out a beached whale. The starving men came upon a beached whale and began to overeat, not realizing how the concentrated fats and oils would affect their bodies, [Dale Porter] White wrote. They became deathly ill. Years later, the men would tell the story of how they would have surely died had it not been for a little Indian girl who somehow miraculously was able to know what the dying men needed to recover. Sacajawea spent days upon end searching for and trying to grow and cultivate fennel roots, a perennial herb of the carrot family

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