
Compare And Contrast The Masque Of The Red Death And Nothing In The Dark

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We can be promised one thing in life and that is death. Its inevitable and something we all cant avoid no matter how hard we try to cower and hide in our houses.Edgar Allen Poe Wrote a story in 1842 called " The Masque of the red death" and even though it was over a 120 years later his story was contrived into a episode for a popular show and the episode was called "Nothing in the dark" . " The Masque Of The Red Death" and the twilight zone episode "Nothing in the dark" may look completely different at first glance, but if you pay attention they almost resemble one another.

The 2 main characters of each story go through radical measures to make sure they are safe and hidden from anything that lurks outside in the world. Prince prospero in …show more content…

"The Masque of the Read Death" was set in the middle ages where as "Nothing in the Dark" was In the 50's. Prince Prospero moved everyone and his followers in a castlike abbey and made sure the doors were welded shut. Wanda lived in a dingy apartment that was scheduled to be torn down during that day. Wanda slept in a jail like bed with bars that covered the head of it and a chair with bars on the side. The very wealthy prince had 7 rooms which indicated birth to death with a different color representing a different time in some ones life. Poe spent much of his time explaining the setting in great detail to give us a creepy vibe. Even though " Nothing in the dark" was set in just one room most of the time and she boarded up and covered most of her windows and more than 1 lock on her door to make sure no one could come inside without her permission. She went through so many extreme measures to the point where she left a boy money to buy her groceries. Wanda and Prince Prospero are so self centered that they will do anything at all costs to stay safe from something that will eventually catch up to

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