
Compare And Contrast The Minister's Black Veil And Young Goodman Brown

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Many modern and older short stories are written around a central theme. Most authors write about many different themes and their works are generally focused around one specific theme meant to send a message with a deeper meaning to the reader. In Nathanial Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown” and “The Minister’s Black Veil,” Hawthorne centralizes the stories around the theme of evil. In “Young Goodman Brown,” the protagonist is a puritan who goes by the name of Goodman Brown. In the middle of the night, he decides to wander into the woods to meet with someone for an evil deed. As the story progresses, the reader finds out he is meeting with an old man that is thought to be the devil himself. As Goodman Brown goes further into the woods with the devil, he recognizes some people from his town. He quickly finds out that the people are also in the woods to makes deals with the devil. In “The Minister’s Black Veil,” the protagonist is Reverend Hooper. Hooper attends his church wearing a black veil that completely covers his face. The reader never finds out why he covers his face, but he preaches to his churchgoers about secret sin and that everyone has done something evil they want to hide. Based on that, readers can infer that he has committed an evil, secret sin of his own. Throughout both of Hawthorne’s works, he uses motifs, symbols, and the themes themselves to connect to the nature of evil in the two stories. In both of Hawthorne’s stories, the motifs are a clear connection

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