
Compare And Contrast The North And South Before The Civil War

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North and South
Do you ever wonder what life was like in the North and South before the Civil War? I know I have, so I studied the similarities and differences of the North and the South. In the North they make their money off of industries such as, shipping, textiles, lumber, furs, and mining. Working in these Industries are European Immigrants. Some come from Ireland, Germany, and other Northern European countries. They work in these factories for long hours and low pay. The conditions are not good and they are not treated fairly. In the North there were more large cities. To get from city to city you could ride on the railroad, or take surfaced roads if you had a horse and wagon. For fun in the North the people liked to dance, play …show more content…

The North does most of the manufacturing of products and the South sends supplies to the North to make the products, then the products are shipped back down to the South to be sold. The South grows all of the crops and turns them into things needed to make certain products, they want to be able to make their own products instead of shipping all of their crops up to the North. The North wants higher tariffs because they make the products and sell less than the South. The South wants no tariffs because they think it is a waste of their “hard earned money”. The largest difference between the 2 is wanting slavery in the South and not wanting slavery in the North. The South wants it’s slaves because then the owners of the plantations don't have to work for their money, or pay their slaves for the hours of work a day that they do. The North on the other hand is against having slaves because they are people just like you and I and it is not fair for them to have to work and not be paid or let alone not be free like us and be punished for making a

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