
Compare And Contrast The Three Chinese Religions

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China has many religions. Some, if not all create a much more peaceful idea than our own religions. These three Chinese religions are called Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. Confucianism was the first of these religions, based on the teachings of a philosopher named Confucius. He lived from 551 to 479 B.C. Confucius made detailed rules on how behavior should be. This behavior system showed mutual respect, generosity, honor. Strong family bonds, a deep sense of personal duty to society, and worshipping their ancestors. The belief system also supported the idea that superior rulers, fathers, brothers, and other men were naturally worthy of respect. As it turns out Confucianism was much more about rules for the government much rather than religion. However, this still brought China together. …show more content…

The religion offers a more relaxed and natural way of finding happiness compared to Confucianism. This religion dates back to 300 B.C. Certain parts of this religion are much older. Also largely based on the book of Tao or Tao Te Ching. The book may have been written by a religious visionary called Cao-Tzu. He believed everything in the universe was made by Tao. To be more specific this would be a silent, pure, and all-powerful force that existed before Heaven and Earth. Taoists believed the way to gain true peace and happiness was to gain first-hand experience by living in harmony with nature. Which also included not acting in anger and simplicity, which is important in the Taoist religion. Taoists also believe in a way to become immortal, which explains their worship of a special group of Gods that were believed to have once lived on

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