
Compare And Contrast William Blake And A Cask Of Amontillado

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The insightful mind of Mahatma Gandhi once said; “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” By attempting to get revenge every time someone upsets you, the issue is never fully resolved meaning it could resurface and bite back harder the second time. In ”A Cask of Amontillado”, by Edward Poe, the author uses irony to show how Fortunato’s death was due to Montresor’s hatred. Similarly, in the poem “A Poison Tree”, by William Blake, the author uses figurative language to show how the enemy was killed because of the narrator’s anger. In both texts, the two characters were once friends and the enemies are being deceived. Poe and Blake use figurative language and irony to show how hatred and anger can lead to deception.

In the short story,”A Cask of Amontillado”, Poe uses the literary device, irony to reiterate the idea that hateful or angry feelings can lead to deception. In the story, Montresor (the narrator) is seeking revenge on his work partner (and apparent friend), Fortunato. According to Montresor, Fortunato hurt and insulted him. While at a party the night that Montresor plans to kill Fortunato, he speaks about how “I was so pleased to see him that I thought I should never have done wringing his hand” (Poe 6). This is an example of dramatic irony, as the readers know that Montresor is in fact pleased to see him, but for the reason being that he wants to kill him. Fortunato is oblivious to the fact that Montresor has anything going against him, which

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