
Compare System Thinking And Learning Organization . System

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Compare System Thinking and Learning Organization System thinking is having the ability and critical thinking skill to create a well develop system. According to Arnold (2015) System thinking is based on interacting or interdependent within a group or whole (Arnold & Wade, 2015, p. 670). The interacting and interdependent depends on the characteristics of interconnections which is how the characteristics relate to each other and the feedback that it gets from each other. This is a very important part to determine system thinking, behavior as well as its function and purpose (Arnold & Wade, 2015). The system test can closely examines according to Arnold (2015) notes elements, interconnection, goals and function (Arnold & Wade, 2015, p. …show more content…

3. A Sympathetic system structure- this is where system structure is used in order to understand and recognizing how the system behavior and its interconnections along with feedback on system structure. 4. The types of stocks, flows, and variables- stock is part of the system resources, flows the change in the different levels, variables consist of part of the system that is changeable and can affect the stocks and flows (Arnold & Wade, 2015, p. 677). 5. Recognizing and understanding the non-linear relationships- this is part of the Hopper & Stave element which bring out the stocks, flows and variables that refers to non-linear nature. 6. Accepting dynamic behavior- the dynamic behavior is broken down in stocks, flows, and variables this part of the dynamic behavior system. It also brings to light emergent behavior that clearly explains the dynamic behavior and its interconnection to the feedback loops that can identify the non-linear relationship to dynamic behavior. 7. Decreasing the complexity of modeling systems conceptually- this model stems from Hopper & Steve by using the conceptual models it gives leaders the ability to look at the different part of the system in order to view the current system in a different way to decrease the level of complexity. 8. Describing the system on different scales- it understands and recognizing

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