
Compare The Reality Behind Hair Cutting And Trimming

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1.Do you massage your scalp at daily basis? If not, then start it right now. A great many benefits are closely connected to scalp massaging.
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Massage your scalp in circular motion with warm oil.
Do it regularly to get outstanding result.

2.Explore the reality behind hair cutting or trimming.
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Trimming does not affect the growth of your hair.


Cutting your hair every six to eight weeks is worth considering for having faster hair growth.

3.Can you ever imagine beer to be a superb hair tonic? Here are some steps to be followed to get lustrous hair.
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Apply hair following these steps:

Wash your hair with desired shampoo.
Apply flat beer from root to tip of your strands.
Massage it thoroughly …show more content…

Surprise others with a head full of hair.

11.Longed for long hair? Egg treatment may be advantageous for hair regrowth.
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Apply a whole egg as a hair mask to get your desired length.

Beat a egg yolk and white to prepare the hair mask.
Apply the mixture all over the wet hair.
Leave the pack for at least 10 minutes.
Wash it off with gentle shampoo and warm water.

12.Be the cynosure of everywhere with perfectly dressed hair.
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“If your hair is done properly and you have on good shoes, you can get away with anything.” - Iris Apfel

13.Who doesn’t want to be the owner of thick or voluminous hair? Follow a simple tip to have attractive hair.
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Apply potato juice on the scalp.
Increase the thickness of your hair.

14.Are you constantly plucking gray hair? There’s a myth regarding the fact. Check that out.
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One plucked gray hair is replaced with two new ones.


Appearing of new gray hair is not a result of hair

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