
Compare The Sirens In Book 12 Of The Odyssey

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There are different ways of how sirens are described in "Book 12 Of The Odyssey" and the poem. The way sirens are described in the poem is very different from Book 12, In the poem the sirens are actually cursed women. The sirens don't like to be in their bird suit and have to sing to kill men! One of the sirens don't even like the other sirens just because she doesn't want to be a siren.
Otherwise in "Book 12 Of The Odyssey the sirens are described as beautiful monsters, and what their are best know for is "Their tempting song that no body has heard, because they're dead! and whoever heard it and still alive doesn't remember. I personally do kind of disagree with the poem because everybody knows sirens otherwise known as "Mermaids" live

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