
Comparing Collectivism In The Truman Show And Anthem

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The movie The Truman Show and the book Anthem, both address collectivism as well as individualism. However both are trying to say something to the viewers in there own way. In this essay I will be comparing the ideals of individualism and collectivism so that each perspective is shown. To begin this you must first know what the two ideals are and how they contrast with each other. Individualism Is when everyone has a responsibility only to the individual, the work they do and the outcome of the work directly benefits their own self. A good example of this in the real world might be capitalism. Collectivism is when the community works for the well being of the community instead of themselves. A near example of this is communism, although one may say otherwise. The Truman Show and Anthem both begin with almost complete collectivism. In The Truman Show …show more content…

In Anthem, everyone in the entire society is working for the benefit of their brothers, they are never payed for the work they do, but the work they do directly benefits the community. This allows for near perfect equality to be achieved, since everyone works for everyone else and no job is better than another. The society is able to survive because everyone does their part in society. It's a perfectly self sustaining community. Near the end of the book when Liberty 7-2521 is trying to give the World Council of Scholars, from his own knowledge as well as experience he says, "We matter not, nor our transgression. It is only our brother men who matter. Give no thought to us, for we are nothing, but listen to our words, for we bring you a gift such as has never been brought to men. Listen to us, for we hold the future of mankind in our

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