
Comparing Dimmesdale And Chillingworth In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

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Essay Dimmesdale and Chillingworth both have secrets they’re keeping, Dimmesdale is keeping his secret, that he is pearls real father. Chillingworth has been torturing Dimmesdale for the past four years. Dimmesdale handles the situation harshly he really takes it hard on himself and begins punishing himself and his guilt eats him alive. Chillingworth tries to get Dimmesdale to confess his sin publicly and it really makes Dimmesdale worry and Chillingworth becomes scarier to him and he’s very terrified Chillingworth doesn’t appear to be guilty about what he’s doing to Dimmesdale at all, he’s out seeking revenge. Keeping a secret is affecting Dimmesdale physically he’s becoming very ill and his health is failing. Chillingworth is appearing

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