
Comparing Hughes And Maya Angelou's Still I Rise

Decent Essays

The Harlem Renaissance was an era that brought many influential works whether it was literature or music. Although, many authors became popular as their works were spread all over America. White and African American people enjoyed the literature created by black authors. Famous authors like Langston Hughes and Maya Angelou influenced their audience with their literature in poems. Both Hughes and Angelou wrote about the struggle of fighting against segregation, but their poem was also different in other aspects.
Maya Angelou’s poem, Still I Rise, showed her audience that any oppression could be oppressed with hard work. She showed that anyone could overcome any type of oppression by sustaining the strength to strive for the ultimate goal. Her words inspired the African American population. Still I Rise showed the African American people that nobody could stop her from rising to the top. “You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I’ll rise.” (Angelou). Angelou states that nothing will stop her from rising to the top. Any oppression that she receives from anyone will be used as fuel to her …show more content…

Although, as time progresses, the white society will have to give African Americans their unalienable rights. “Tomorrow, I’ll be at the table when company comes. Nobody’ll dare say to me, ‘Eat in the kitchen,’ then. Besides, they’ll see how beautiful I am and be ashamed.” (Hughes). Hughes visualizes a future where the African Americans are no longer unequal, and the white society will see their beauty and be ashamed at their previous prejudice. Hughes’ poem referred to equality, and how one day African Americans will obtain their God given

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