
Comparing Lewis And Clark

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Lewis and Clark. You may have heard the names before, but do you know who these important men really were or how important they are? This will all explained later in the article but for now, all you have to know is that they were very important people who were the first to explore the west part of America. It all started in 1803 when the French ,who owned most of middle America, decided to sell their land to Thomas Jefferson, who was president at the time. They sold it for a bargain price of $15000,m that might seem like a lot but really it is just about 3 cents an acre.With this new, unexplored land Jefferson turned to his friend lewis to plan the journey and map it, bring back scientific information and meet and make friendly relationships with the natives on the way. Jefferson considered Lewis as the “best man for the job”. Lewis decided to ask one of his friends to join him, Clark. Lewis chose Clark because he knew Clark was someone he could count on. In the time before the expedition would start, …show more content…

There was only grass and rolling hills. They also began to see new animals every day and recorded everything they saw. They found the antelope, prairie dogs and coyotes as well as many more. They spent a day trying to catch a prairie dog for Jefferson. The corp experienced the vast herds of bison and the beauty of it all. On the way to the west coast they met many native americans but none were as fierce as the lakota sioux. When the Corp of Discovery reached their territory they were greeted by the warriors who they tried to be friendly with. The corp offered beads and little gifts to the group of sioux who demanded more but the corp had a limited amount of supplies so the sioux got angry and tried to stop them. Eventually the event came to a close and our heroes got to pass

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