
Comparing Mccandles And Siddhartha

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People often find the need to seek for the meaning of life. They do this after realizing that there has to be more to life, than what they are currently experiencing. Individuals use different means to find out the meaning of life. Some seek enlightenment, and they travel on journeys, which they hope will give them the experiences and wisdom they need. This is the case of the main characters in Siddhartha and Into the Wild. In the story of Siddhartha, by Hermann Hesse, the main character, Siddhartha, leaves his family in search of an enlightened life. He encounters many people and he has many experiences. He sometimes diverts from his quest but he finds his way back. In the end, he manages to find what he is looking for, after which he lives a contented life. In the story Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, the main character, Christopher McCandles chooses to travel with no clear direction. He does not seem to have a specific agenda in mind. His story does not have a good ending, since he ends up dead. Siddhartha and McCandles show some similarities in their character, though they are also …show more content…

These people enhance their experiences in different ways. For instance, the ferryman helps Siddhartha acquire his state of enlightenment. Both characters experience challenges along the way. McCandles suffers from hunger and he has run-ins with the law. He experiences a heat wave, and he almost drowns in the river. He goes for days without food and he has to hunt and eat wild fruits to survive. Siddhartha’s main challenge begins by seeking the blessings of his father, who has a hard time letting his son go. The challenges serve different purposes for the characters. The challenges are a way for the characters to develop endurance and learn. Siddhartha is able to confront these challenges and incorporate them in his life, using them as learning tools (Bloom and Hobby

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