
Comparing Odysseus Harry Potter And Homer's Odyssey

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Harry Potter and Homer’s Odysseus: The Epic Heros
The Odyssey by homer tells the story of a demigod named Odysseus. Odysseus is a brave and determined man, yet seemingly troubled. With human traits, Odysseus must go on a journey that transpires over two decades. Odysseus serves as the model for an epic hero. An epic hero is a symbol of something that is great, someone that is in tune with others needs and is considerate of how their own actions will affect others around him. Though this idea comes from an ancient story, it is still relevant in modern popular culture. One example of a modern-day epic hero is Harry Potter. A Hero created by J.K. Rowling for The Harry Potter series, Harry Potter clearly shares many characteristics with Odysseus. Odysseus is the model for the modern-day epic hero, Harry Potter, who shares Odysseus’ characteristics of determination and bravery by not allowing the way he is treated change his personality and by not being scared to take risks.
Both Odysseus and Harry Potter show determination by deciding to not let obstacles get in the way of their goals. During seven of the ten years of his trip on the Mediterranean sea, Odysseus is held captive by the …show more content…

After being released by the goddess Calypso, Odysseus and his men approach Ismarus the city of Cicones (p.897). Although Odysseus is just finishing a mission to conquer the city of Troy and runs into an obstacle on Calypso’s island, he still continues to travel further to unknown lands without fear of what is to come. Similar to how Harry travels along with Hagrid to lands unknown to him such as Hogwarts School of Wizardry. Harry is very young and oblivious to the many obstacles that the world holds. However, he willingly travels with Hagrid to Hogwarts in search of a new home. Harry and Odysseus both have human qualities as well as faults, this shows in their actions made by their sense of

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