Could you ever imagine teaching a deaf, blind, and mute child? Well, Anne Sullivan got the chance teach a blind, deaf, and mute girl. There was even a play called “The Miracle Worker” that was written by William Gibson in 1956. Along with a play written about Annie’s work with the child, there was even a movie “The Miracle Worker” directed by Arthur Penn which was released in 1962. The play was about Annie Sullivan teaching Helen Keller the blind girl. Annie faced a lot of challenges and obstacles while teaching. The movie was based on the play so there was a lot of similarities along, with differences. In this paper, I am going to be telling you about the differences and similarities. Along with advantages and disadvantages of the two similar …show more content…
The first similarity is the breakfast table scene. Both the play and the movie’s breakfast scene was the same because Helen would go around to her family’s plate and grab the food she liked and ate it with her hands. Annie just watched Helen is disgust. While Helen got to her plate, Helen tried grabbing food but Annie grabbed her wrist and did it multiple times till Helen threw a tantrum. Annie told everyone to leave the room and once everyone left she sat Helen in a chair and put her plate in front and would stop her if she was about to grab the food with her hands. Annie and Helen fought and they both had food on their clothes and their hair was messy. Annie then got a bunch of spoons and would place one in Helen's hand. Helen would throw the spoon and she would keep doing this until Annie was on her last spoon and Annie held it tightly in Helen’s hand and put the spoon in her mouth along with food. Finally, Helen learned how to fold her napkin and eat with a spoon. Another comparison from the play and the movie is, Annie and Helen are in the bedroom and Helen is playing with Annie’s doll that Annie got for her. Annie then is spelling D.O.L.L in Helen’s hand and Annie is trying to get Helen to spell it back to her. Helen this spells it back but she doesn’t know what it means so, Annie takes the doll and Helen tries to get it back but she can’t. Helen and Annie then fight and Annie sits her …show more content…
The first difference is, in the play the little kids that Annie was with, they gave her a gift before Annie left but in the movie, Annie was on the train with Mr. Anagnos talking and all the little kids just waved goodbye. The second difference is in the play when Annie first gets to the Keller’s house Helen is sitting in a chair on the porch outside and Annie walks up to Helen and Helen knows someone in there and Helen stands up and Annie hugs Helen. Then, Helen tries to get away from Annie because she knows it's not her mother but in the movie, Helen is standing on the porch when Annie arrives and instead of hugging Helen tries to get Annie's suitcase and once Helen gets it she carries it up to her room. Another difference is in the play Helen throws the doll because she is mad and the doll breaks. She then notices it broke and she feels guilty and sad but in the movie, Helen is about to throw the doll and it would have broke but then Annie stops Helen from breaking the doll by grabbing the doll before Helen threw it. The last difference is, in the movie Helen’s brother, James ask Annie how her brother Jimmie died but in the play that never happened. There are many more differences but these are important
One of the differences that were most important was Johnny’s hand. Johnny’s crippled hand changed his life and made him look for another job. Johnny’s hand still gets crippled and then fixed in both the book and the movie, but in different ways. The book tells that Johnny’s crippled hand was caused by Dove, one of the apprentices with Johnny in the book . The book says that Dove gives Johnny a cracked crucible for Johnny to look at. Johnny reaches for the cracked crucible before it falls as it pours the liquid metal on his hand and makes it crippled. The movie shows Mrs. Lapham bumping into Johnny before he falls and his hand falls into the liquid metal. The movie didn’t include Dove, who gave Johnny the cracked crucible which made Johnny’s hand
With any comparison between a play and its movie counterpart there are bound to be major differences and key similarities between
Another difference in the movie from the play is the obvious different points of view. The play is told from Estela’s point of view and the movie is shown through Ana’s point of view. The play shows more of Estela’s struggles in the factory, not being able to pay for the machines, paying rent and most being an undocumented worker in the
One similarity was that Aunt Eva was still Rivka, the best friend to Hannah in the camps, who never forgot Hannah after her sacrifice. Another similarity is that Shmuel died in both due to him and a few other men trying to escape. A third similarity was that the two had the same conflict, surviving the concentration camps, since in both the movie and the book, the main characters had to try to survive the terrible treatment by the Nazis. A fourth similarity was that Hannah took the place of Rivka when she was chosen for the gas chambers. She did that by putting on Rivka’s cap since the officer was a new guard so he wouldn’t know the difference.
The plots are quite similar in both plays, both the film and the play tell a story about a man who meets 3 people, in the
I compared Act One, Scene 2, in the play and the film. The setting in the play is on a Saturday morning, and house cleaning is in process at the Youngers. In the film, the setting is the same as play, with lighting and costumes. The plot in the play is when Mrs. Younger gets the insurance check of $10,000. In the film, the plot is the same, but includes music not mentioned in the play. The dialogue in the film has some deletions from the original text, with new dialogue added throughout the scene.
The characters are totally different in the two versions. The short story’s main characters are a family; a husband, a wife, and two children. The film’s characters are a woman and a man, and the man’s mother and younger sister.
Another difference is the presence of three judges in the movie, whereas in the play there were only two, both of whom where made out to be "bad guys." One additional judge is added in the movie possibly to show that it was not the entirety of the Church that was unjust, cruel, and nearly ignorant. I
The differences are the following: First, in the play, you can see the emotions, feelings and expressions of the characters in the film. Since Shakespeare’s play is written between 1590 and 1597, the English language used was deep and hard to understand for the present people. But with the character’s action and delivery, the viewers were able to understand it easily. Titania, who is played by Michelle Pfeiffer, said
At the Marjory Douglas High School production of “Annie,” the audience was charmed with adorable dogs and well-sung harmonies. “Annie”, a cheery musical first debuting on Broadway in 1977, is about an orphan, Annie, who gets chosen to stay at Oliver Warbucks’, a billionaire, house for a few weeks. The show focuses on the father-daughter relationship that is formed between Annie and Warbucks.
First of all, the book and the movie have all of the important parts of Helen Keller’s story. For example, in the beginning after Annie meets Helen, Helen locks Annie in her room. This scene shows how Helen tries to get rid of Annie even though this trick doesn’t work so easily against Annie. Another example, the next day Annie, Helen, and her family have breakfast. At breakfast
Annie Sullivan was Helen teacher starting at the age of 7. Helen's parents seek help from Annie Sullivan because she was her last option. When Annie arrived she knew Helen and her will be very hard to understand and get along but not as bad as she thought when she saw the behavior of Helen.When Annie was little she was blind in feels if she can see what the world could offer she couldn't make Helen do so too.Annie knew Helen was a smart kid so she wanted to help Helen find who she really was. So her first approach was teaching Helen, language. When Annie was blind language was one of the many things that helped regain her freedom .By teaching Helen language she would sign letters of words into helen's hand so she feels What it is and the difference
The change in the location and the time century where this is taking place changes the way that the actors talk, wear and respond to the play that they are doing. Another difference that is in the movie but not in the play is that the character Nick Bottom has a wife in the movie while in the play he is a single man. Even though he is married the wife is only seen in two to three scenes and with that, she is not necessary towards the plot of the movie. Even though this is a minor part of the movie, this is still a notable difference that the movie has that the original play does not have. Another part of the movie that was not in the play was the scene where Hermia and Helena had gotten into a fight in the mud pit. This part of the movie was not originally in the play, but was added to the movie to add a more dramatic scene to the movie. The next difference was that in the book it tells us that the queen of the fairies refused to give her husband the Indian man so her husband, Oberon, curses her and then when he succeeds in getting the Indian man, he tells Puck that he acquired the man. The differences are that in the movie there is no mention of the Indian man after the confrontation and is not brought up again after that. There are many differences in the play and the movie then there is anything else since it was easier to
In Summary, with these three examples it is shown that the play and the movie contrast quite a bit. Most of the story line and the dialogue were very similar to the original story in the movie but some things were changed, possibly to shorten the story to be able to make
The main similarity between the play and the movie is the theme of the role of women in the society especially in marriage. Throughout the different periods of the past generations, pieces of art such as plays and films have