
Comparing Power In 'Macbeth And Yertle The Turtle'

Decent Essays

Power is the ability to influence the behavior of others. In the Shakespeare play, Macbeth, and Dr. Seuss’ book, Yertle the Turtle, the characters demonstrated the actions and effects of how people behaved when they were in possession of power. They are usually arrogant and try to gain even more power. The theme of both works of writing were that the power was gained, abused or misused, and then lost. Power can make one so greedy they will do anything to acquire it. Lady Macbeth, for example, helped Macbeth’s ambition grow into something he used in a malicious way. Macbeth and Yertle were victims of power’s effects, which led to their downfall. In Yertle the Turtle, Yertle abused his power to make the other turtles make a throne for him, …show more content…

Although Lady Macbeth took some time to convince him to commit regicide, the final decision was Macbeth’s. “I go, and it is done. The bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan, for it is-knell that summons thee to heaven or to hell” (Ⅱ.ⅰ.75-77). The three witches predicted that Macbeth and Banquo’s sons would become king, so Macbeth decided to kill Banquo so that he wouldn’t have his descendants become king. The last words of Banquo was a warning to his son, Fleance. “O treachery! Fly good Fleance, fly, fly, fly! Thou mayst revenge-O slave!” (Ⅲ.ⅲ.25-26). When Macbeth was told by a messenger that Birnam Woods was moving, he called him a liar and said, ”If thou speak’st false, upon the next tree shall thou hang alive till famine cling thee” (Ⅴ.ⅴ.44-45). This shows how someone in power treats those beneath them. The second apparition previously told Macbeth that “none of woman born shall harm Macbeth” (Ⅳ.ⅰ.91-92). When he heard this, he thought that he was invincible and became full of himself. He said “Bring me no more reports. Let them fly all. Till Birnam Wood remove to Dunsinane. I cannot taint with fear. What’s the boy Malcolm? Was he not born of woman?” (Ⅴ.ⅲ.1-4). He didn’t think that anyone would be able to harm him because he went right to the conclusion that every man was born of a woman. He later found out that Malcolm was born via a cesarean section. In result, Malcolm was able to defeat Malcolm so

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