
Comparing Socrates And Niccol� Machiavelli And Socrates

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Machiavelli and Socrates Socrates and Niccolò Machiavelli lived in two very different, yet similar time periods. Socrates was born in 469 B.C. and Machiavelli was born in 1469. Even though these time periods are very far apart, they both lived in a time of war and political fragmentation. I believe that Socrates would not support Machiavelli’s ideas presented in The Prince and the political system that it would lead to. I believe that Socrates would not support these ideas for multiple reasons: Socrates is supportive of democracy and people having the right to learn new things, Socrates would not support the idea of princes not using their knowledge and he would question their wisdom, the state will become lazy if everyone fears the prince enough to not challenge him, and Socrates would also not agree with the princes falsely portraying qualities about themselves. Socrates is supportive of democracy and people having the right to learn new things. In Socrates’ apology he was put on trial for his teachings and influence on the youth. After talking to an oracle, Socrates decided to go out and seek wise men. He says, “so I had to go, in considering what the oracle was saying, to all those reputed to know something” (Socrates 22a). Socrates goes and questions these men and decides that he is wiser than them. The sons of the wealthiest people also follow Socrates around and watch him question people and then go out and do the same. The people against Socrates say that he is

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