
Comparing The African American Dream In Between The World And Me

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In Between the World and Me, Coates speaks of a “dream” that was never designed for people of African descent to achieve. Coates describes the dream as if it “smells like peppermint but tastes like strawberry shortcake (Coates, 2015).” This sweet and delectable dream will never be achieved or will ever be an option because the dream was built upon the backs of blacks and was never meant to be obtainable by minorities. African Americans have had the hardest of times to achieve the “American dream”. Since the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which made discrimination unconstitutional and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which prohibited racial discrimination when voting, the African American community has been at a standstill when it comes to social and economic progressions over the last forty years. …show more content…

In 2008, African Americans were hit the hardest by the recession in terms of economic status. They are more likely to have a lower household income than white families and are less likely to see little to none economic improvement. In terms of education it is seen that white children are most likely to move up the educational ladder while African American children are more likelydescend down the ladder, which leads to high number of high school dropouts among the African American population which also effects the incarceration rate within the community as well. The American dream that is known for hope, prosperity, and happiness and the land of opportunity where parents seek to better the social and economic status for the benefit of their children leaves a foul taste in most African American’s mouth. To them it is not a dream but a nightmare that they cannot seem to wake up from and is forever haunting them whenever they are made to face

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