
Comparing The Chacmool With The Woman Of Willendorf

Better Essays

Art 150-501 Fall 2016
Research Paper
Prof. D Gaffney

mars and venus: comparing the chacmool with the woman of willendorf Modern figurines of art stem directly from the hands of the ancient’s. The organic forms of modernly sculpted artifacts can most likely be directly referenced to the movements of prehistoric artworks. There seems to be an ongoing transition on how cultures no matter how stretched apart through time, contrasted by ethnicity or religious views; can all be somewhat related to each other by the methods or principles portrayed through their artworks. In fact, I saw that very transition; within two works in which are extremely different in meaning, craftsmanship, time, culture and so on. However, I was still able to find similarities within the artifacts. In this paper I will examine Venus of Willendorf, a Paleolithic carving in limestone; which can fit in the palm of one’s hand. As well as, The Sacrifice of Chacmool, which are a plethora of Mesoamerican statues emulating rituals of sacrifice. The Chacmool figures are always portrayed with their heads looking at their sides and their backs to the ground, upon their stomachs are bowls in which people would place offerings to the gods. The Chacmool’s primary function was to hold offerings for rituals; the offerings would range from common foods to human organs. Archeologist suggests that the figures were found in ruins of the ancient cities Teotihuacan and Tula. They suggest that the works

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