
Comparing The Conflict And Consensus Models Of The Criminal Justice System

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The conflict and consensus models have two different perspectives on how criminal justice will be achieved in their particular system. Both systems are very capable of obtaining results. However, the methods used in one system is more realistic than the other. The consensus model or the crime-control model looks at the agencies within the criminal justice system as subsystems by themselves. This model operates on the assumption that these criminal justice subsystems will work together as designed, therefore achieving the complete mission which is justice. This system intends for cases and people to move quickly and effortlessly through the regiment with all agencies working cohesively. This system where people are concerned with public safety …show more content…

The due process conflict model envisions the elements working against each other as competitors or adversaries. In this model, the integral parts are operating to supply their interest justice almost appears to be secondary as individual rights are the primary concern. The relationship, or lack thereof, is to ensure that no individual is forced through the system without access to their rights and they are respectfully considered(Cronkhite, 2013). Simply put the consensus model mainly centered around public safety, whereas the conflict model views the criminal justice as the system responsible for individual freedoms. The perspectives of community safety versus the rights of the people can shift from back and forth depending on elected officials and who has is appointed to certain criminal justice positions. The individual selected and designated will ultimately affect the balance between the two models. Unfortunately achieving a balance is a complicated process due to the many elements involved in securing the rights of the individual outlined in the Constitution and still provide safety for the

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