
Comparing The Novel ' Out, Out And ' Disabled '

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Compare the ways in which the writers create sympathy in ‘Out, Out -’and ‘Disabled’
In the poems, Robert Frost and Wilfred Owen both create sympathy for the characters through different ways. In ‘Disabled’, Owen paints a vivid, moving picture of a soldier who has been injured in World War One and lost his legs and an arm. Wilfred Owen himself took part in the war, consequently witnessing first hand many young men whose lives were similarly destroyed. In the poem, ‘Out, Out’, Robert Frost shows the fragility of life in two ways. Firstly alluding to Shakespeare’s metaphor in ‘Macbeth’s soliloquy’ - ‘Out, out, brief candle’, which informs the reader that life is very short and fragile. Moreover, Frost looks at the themes of sudden death and child labour to help to make this a very sad and shocking poem. The poem reflects the tragedy of the accidental death of a child doing a man’s job. Frost’s description of setting, imagery, and tone create a moving poem with a horrifying ending that leaves the reader feeling despaired at the bleakness of the situation and quite shocked.
Even in the structure of the poem, Wilfred Owen shows us a compassionate portrait of loss by switching between and comparing the soldier’s experiences ‘before’ and ‘after’ war time, and the related memories and emotions, for instance:
“And girls glanced lovelier as the air grew dim-
In old times, before he threw away his knees”.
This example shows the constant comparison and reminder of the soldier’s loss

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