
Comparison Of Akhenaten And Alexander The Great

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Many rulers who are elected to serve their people have a great role to accomplish. They not only serve as protector, but also a role model. In today’s Government, prime ministers and presidents may either have a successful years or an unsuccessful year. A lot of factors play a role in how they manage their counties and how they accomplish their goals and fulfill responsibilities. I believe that when one takes on such a job, he or she must never get lost in the lime light but instead be the same person that they were when they began their journey. One must either become a better person and impact others positively rather than changing for the worst. Both these historical leaders, Akhenaten and Alexander the great had up and downs throughout …show more content…

It is even said that after his death, his people converted back to their much favorable religion and form of worship. This shows sign that during Akhenaten reign as Pharaoh he was not liked. It also shows sign that his people did not like him and they very unhappy with their new culture and living. Alexander the Great was the Macedonian king whose conquests of the Persian Empire and Egypt created a new Hellenistic world (Cole, Symes, Coffin, Stacey, 2012, p. A18). After Phillip the II was assassinated during a festival at Pella. The kingship now fell to Alexander. Among the Greeks, he would be known as Alex ander, the Sacker of Cities. To the Romans, he was Alexander the Great. (Cole, Symes, Coffin, Stacey, 2012, p. 89). There were accomplishments many of this leader. By the time of Alexander’s early death at the age of 32, a monumental legend had already built up around him. This makes it all the more ironic that no contemporary account of his life and achievements survives (Cole, Symes, Coffin, Stacey, 2012, p. 88). A complishent was the conquests of Alexander the Great brought Greek culture to the vast expanse of the former Persian Empire, as far east as the Indus River (Cole, Symes, Coffin, Stacey, 2012, p. 91). One of Alexander fault was his anger. He also began to drink a lot of wine. This could have a lot resulted in depression, maybe her felt pressure with so many

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