
Comparison Of 'And The Man He Killed'

Decent Essays

Both “The Man I Killed” and “The Man He Killed” deal with a touchy subject: the morals and ethics of killing someone in war. “The Man He Killed” is set during WW1 and is told through the perspective of an anonymous main character while “The Man I Killed” is set during the Vietnam war and is told through the perspective of O’Brien. The story may convey a similar message, but three things that set the two works of literature apart are the setting, reaction, and the person. In “The Man He Killed”, a soldier in WW1, presumably European, kills an enemy for his first time. This soldier’s war was a completely different beast than ‘Nam. In WW1 the front line was obvious, their army was on one side and the enemy was on the other, which made it clear

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