
Comparison Of Hope Is The Thing With Feathers By Langston Hughes

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Although “Dream Deferred” by Langston Hughes and “Hope is the thing with feathers” by Emily Dickinson are two completely different poems, in my opinion there is a type of connection between them. Dreaming is one thing and having hope is another, although in some circumstances they may also have the same meaning. Dreaming of something is like having hope towards an idea that may happen in the future.
In the poem “Dream Deferred” Hughes questions us by asking a variety of questions supporting the idea of what would happen to a dream deferred. He wants to know if dream will continue to be a dream or will it die and never become a reality. Hughes asks a question that catches my attention in the poem, when he says “Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over—like a syrupy sweet?” (Lines 6-8). Hughes first starts with the negativity of what may occur to the dream if it is left alone and set aside but then brings in the sugar coating lines when he says “or crust and sugar lover –like a syrupy sweet” letting us know that there is hope that the dream still may become a reality even if the dream is set aside for a while. …show more content…

Throughout the poem Hughes asks and makes statements about what would happen if a dream we had was deferred. Will the dream be set aside and be forgotten or will the dream explode like he says in his last line of the poem. Everyone has a different mind and different set of goals. Dreams may be a beautiful thing but they can destroy you within if you do not reach a dream you have that’s why we latch onto hope. For some people the dream continues even if the dream was set aside for a small period of time. That ties us back to having and believing that there is hope that then dream will become a reality in the

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