
Comparison of A Farewell to Arms and The Great Gatsby Essay

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Comparison of A Farewell to Arms and The Great Gatsby The author’s style from Ernest Hemigway’s A Farewell to Arms differ from F.Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby in many ways. Fitzgerald uses a more reflective style of writing meaning that he makes his characters reflect and the theme also includes reflection from the reader as well as the plot. On the other hand, Hemingway uses a more self-interest style with its theme, characters, and plot, meaning that he makes this book on his own personal experiences that cause the theme, plot and characters to differ in many ways. For example, the styles in which the characters are described are very different. Hemingway makes his characters less educated and from a lower social …show more content…

Fredrick doesn’t have a family. The only family he has is his grandfather who sends him money to pay off his debts. Later on, he marries Catherine Barkley and stops seeing all the women he used to have sexual affairs with. Nick has a more friendly character than Fredrick. He is the type of person willing to listen while Fredrick is less open minded and has a lower toleration level with other human beings. One example in which Nick’s high toleration level is shown is when he finds out that Gatsby is a big lie. Gatsby had been lying about the houses, his family, friends, College Degree, etc. He tolerated this issue in a very mature way and doesn’t say anything to Gatsby or stops being his friend, instead he tries to talk with him and make him realize the big charade he has talked the whole West and East egg of New York into.

Themes from A Farewell to Arms and The Great Gatsby also have their differences. Hemingway tries to express to the readers themes about love and war while Fitzgerald expresses themes about corruption in American youth and the education of young Americans. Fitzgerald establishes these themes chapter by chapter. Readers can reflect on this theme only by reading the entire book and by thinking about the plot on how Gatsby corrupted Nick Carraway. It all starts when Nick moves to New York and meets his neighbor, Jay Gatsby. Nick learns that Gatsby is madly in love with his cousin, Daisy Buchanan, wife of the

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