
Complexity And Contradiction In Architecture: Less Is Bore

Decent Essays

While many practical issues interrupted due to Modernist language, Robert Venturi wrote a book of “Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture” and published in 1966. Book expresses the postmodernism and its rebellion to the purism of architecture. He respond to the quote of Mies van der Rohe “Less is more” as “Less is Bore” and discuss the architecture which should bow down to the complexities and contradictions. Architecture should be in touch with it in the creation of cities. After Modernisation, public spaces introduced into society and in the book of "The Society of the Spectacle” which is written by Guy Debord in 1967, criticize contemporary consumer culture and product fetishism which bring up the alienation of classes, mass media and homogenization of culture which …show more content…

What people see is a simulation of the real, symbolizing the culture and media (Baudrillard, 1981). After these theoretical perspective, focus on media, architecture, symbols, consumer society and capitalism were most dominant critical debates. “The Lost Dimension” is another book in these areas written by Paul Virilio and published in 1984. Author discussed the media and its impact on the architecture. The reason behind this impact and consequences are discussed at conceptual level. This book discusses public spaces, their decline and turning into media spaces. In 1985 Sony presented the first large screen device that was properly suited for outdoor use. The JumboTron, as it was called, was 40 meters wide and 25 meters tall and soon became a standard fixture in stadiums all over the USA. During the 1990s similar screens were installed at Times Square, Piccadilly Circus, and other commercialized urban spaces. One of the first media facade was integrated into the architecture of a building is the KPN Tower in Rotterdam which was built from 1998 to 2000. Ironically, the architect was the same Renzo Piano who proposed to implement large screens on the Centre Pompidou almost thirty years

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