
Computer Engineering : A College That Doesn 't Offer What You Want You Do?

Decent Essays

Knowing what kind of majors and minors that these colleges offer is one of the top deciders when choosing the college that you want to go to because why would you go to a college that doesn’t offer what you want to do?
Ivy Tech-
• Advanced Manufacturing & Industrial Technology
• Computers & Information Technology
• Environmental Health & Safety
• Health
• Hospitality and Tourism
• Languages
• Quality
• Sales and Business
• Supervision and Leadership
• Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
• Workplace Fundamentals

Majors include-
• Arts and Sciences
• Business
• Education
• Engineering
• Health Sciences

Minors include-
• Accounting
• Aeronautical Engineering
• Athletic Training
• Biology
• Biomedical Engineering
• Bioprocess Engineering
• Business
• Chemistry
• Communication
• Criminal Justice
• Economics
• Energy Engineering
• Entrepreneurship
• Entrepreneurship for Non-business Students
• Environmental Engineering
• Finance
• Golf Management
• History
• Humanities
• International Studies
• Leadership
• Management
• Marketing
• Mathematics
• Metallurgical Engineering
• Music
• Plastics
• Psychology
• Robotics
• Software Engineering
• Structural Engineering
Courses at Trine are eight weeks and are fast paced courses. There are eight education centers that are available and online courses are available anywhere, anyplace, and at any time. There is no expiration date on transferring credits from any accredited college or university. If you’re transferring

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