
Concerns Over Combined Sewage Overflow in New York City

Decent Essays

With climate changes storms are becoming stronger and stronger bringing in rising sea levels, heavier rain falls, and stronger winds. Hurricane Sandy is an example of the effects of climate change, with winds that reached 115 miles per hour and heavy rainfalls that flooded New York City’s sewer and subway systems.

The flooding caused by Hurricane Sandy’s storm water released partially treated sewage water and in some other cases raw sewage into the streets and water bodies of New York City. After the storm and costly cleanup, there are still some causes for concern about the city’s sewage system, in particular those concerns regards how the city can reduce flooding and Combined Sewage Overflow (CSO’s) whenever there is heavy rain fall.

CSOs caused by flooding and storm water runoff is not only a concern for NYC’s preparation for the next hurricane, but it is a concern for the weaker storms that causes heavy periods of rain fall. Not every storm is going to be like Hurricane Sandy, but even weaker storms still causes storm water to create flooding and CSO’s problems in some NYC areas. It is a concern because CSOs contribute to water pollution and contamination of the city’s surrounding water bodies. A solution that combats the flooding of the combined sewers and excessive storm water from common storms are the green infrastructures that are being built throughout the boroughs of NYC.

According to the NYC Green Infrastructure Program Plan, apart of the Department of

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