
Confederate Monuments Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

If all confederate monuments are removed and or destroyed how will that change the way of life we live in now? The removal of these monuments will not heal old wounds nor would it change history. Racism still and will always exist no matter what so why waste time trying to “prove” to our country that removing these monuments will make our society better when it won’t. These monuments are not causing any physical harm to people so why let the presence of them stop you from living your daily life. By destroying these monuments, you are not only destroying a part of history, but also someone’s artwork. So, blaming 100 plus year old statues of men who died decades ago for our problems today in society only shows the foolishness among.
There are serious unforeseen consequences for taking down confederate monuments.The Confederate monuments represent a form of history whether it is favored or not. There will always be a legacy of racial tension and inequality in our nation (newsweek”). However that does not mean we should let the idea of confederacy stop us from succeeding and moving forward in life. If we target Confederate monuments to take down, this would lead to African American monuments targeted also such as the MLK memorials and the Arthur Ashe statue. Not only would we be left with damaged statues, we will …show more content…

For example, a contractor had to pull out of the removal project due to the fact his car was being lit on fire by white supremacist protesters who were upset that the monuments were being taken down (“Berni”). No one is going to risk they life taking down artwork just because some people can not digest the site of seeing these historical symbols. If the thought of the site of these monuments angers and sickens you so bad that you can not function, it may be time for you to relocate to an area where these monuments are not up and where racial tension is low which may just be impossible to

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