
Confessional Poetry Essay

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Confessional Poetry

I have done it again. One year in every ten I manage it –

A sort of walking miracle, my skin Bright as a Nazi lampshade, My right foot

A paperweight, My face featureless, fine Jew linen.

This excerpt comes from the poem “Lady Lazarus” by Sylvia Plath, one of the most famous – and infamous – poets of the 20th century. Many of Plath’s poems, such as this one, belong to a particular school of poetry known as Confessional Poetry. With a distinct style all their own, Plath and her fellow Confessional poets will be forever remembered for their brutal honesty, emotionality, and the personal quality of their poems.

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Confessional poetry gained its momentum in 1959 with the publication of Robert Lowell’s Life Studies and W.D. Snodgrass’s Heart’s Needle. Robert Lowell was born in Boston in 1917, and initially entered the world of poetry by writing formal poems in the style of the New Critics. Although he received ample praise for his work, Lowell’s personal life wasn’t so happy – he dealt with marital strife and serious depression, and was hospitalized on a number of occasions. In his mid-fifties, he was influenced by other Confessional poets to delve deeper into his personal experience, and consequently attempted more autobiographical and free-style poems. His poem “Man and Wife” reflects his marital troubles when it concludes:

Now twelve years later you turn your back Sleepless, you hold your pillow to your hollows like a child, your old-fashioned tirade – loving, rapid, merciless – breaks like the Atlantic Ocean on my head.

This poem nicely reflects the autobiographical aspect of Confessional poetry, as anyone aware of Lowell’s personal life would realize how true the words ring. Poems filled with so much genuine emotion help to bring the reader into an empathic position, and to actually imagine being in the speaker’s situation.

W.D. Snodgrass was born in Pennsylvania in 1926. His book Heart’s Needle won the Pulitzer Prize

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