
Confidantes, Marriage, and Friendship in "Pride and Prejudice"

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One cannot accomplish much without the help and opinions of people such as their friends, siblings, or parents. This person, or confidante, must be willing to listen to and provide helpful thoughts and feedback. In Pride and Prejudice, a novel by Jane Austen, Elizabeth Bennet is a heroine who is in desperate need of a confidante. Jane Bennet, Elizabeth’s kind and honest sister, becomes that person Lizzy needs when she is feeling flustered. Jane perfectly fits the criteria of a confidante because she is optimistic and sanguine, in which she can provide Elizabeth a different, more positive, approach to her problems. The author uses Jane Bennet to portray a paradigm of a young lady in England during that time period, where marriages depended …show more content…

Although it may seem to the reader that Jane is idealistic or dishonest, she really says what is on her mind. Jane truly believes all people are good-spirited and that she will never be deceived by anyone. In this way, the author uses Jane Bennet to give the reader a different perspective of a certain character in the story: while Elizabeth is always criticizing the many characters in this novel, Jane is there to deliver a contradictory statement about those characters. Mr. Wickham reveals to Elizabeth that Mr. Darcy had prevented him from joining the ministry by refusing to supply the money Darcy’s father had intended to provide for Wickham. Upon hearing these revealing statements about Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth is appalled and outraged at how selfish a man can be. Elizabeth then relates to Jane about what she had discovered about Mr. Darcy but Jane provides her and the reader with a different, more optimistic point of view: “‘It is impossible. No man of common humanity, no man who had any value for his character, could be capable of it. Can his most intimate friends be so excessively deceived in him? Oh! no’” (Austen 74). Elizabeth’s decision to believe Mr. Wickham originates her prejudice towards Mr. Darcy into the novel. However, in the end, the reader finds out that Jane had actually been correct in that Darcy can never have done such a horrible thing and that he had actually given Wickham the money his father left for him. Jane Bennet is the perfect example of what a

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