
Conflict And Themes In The Outcasts Of Poker Flat

Satisfactory Essays

Erin Craig Mr. Taylor American Lit 9 February 2017 Bad and good Bad people can turn out to be good depending on their actions. In “The Outcasts of Poker Flat” a man named John Oakhurst, who is a gambler, who is also banished from the town along with three others. They decide to head for a cabin where they end up being snowbound. Oakhurst ends up having to kill himself in the end to save a boy. Therefore, he dies a good man. The author of “The Outcasts of Poker Flat” uses conflict and character to develop the theme: how a bad person can be good. First, conflict develops the author’s theme. Conflict is the main thing that is going on in the story. Between being kicked out of town and being judged quickly by the people of Poker …show more content…

“Once the strongest and yet the weakest of the outcasts of Poker Flat.” (pg. 674) Oakhurst was very weak in the beginning. By killing himself he shows he’s the strongest. It is also saying that he gives in finally, and resigns himself. Resolving a conflict is always a good thing. In the end, you realize it is not worth it. That is also one of the reasons why John becomes a good person, and does the right thing by saving the boy. Who he knew was more important. Next, character further develops the author’s theme. Oakhurst is the protagonist of the story. His uncle Billy is a drunk and thief. The two prostitutes join them eventually when they all kicked out. They are not the best characters, but they tie the story together. Especially John Oakhurst, he is the main person that is bad because he steals the towns people's money by gambling. "… and its finding out when its going to change that makes you." (pg. 675) changing Craig

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