
Conflict In Ernest Hemingway's Hills Like White Elephants

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Conflictions I realized the title of the story “Hills Like White Elephants” holds great value to the true meaning of the story being the conflict between the man and woman. In the story, you can also quickly appreciate the color-symbolism being used throughout. This color-symbolism greatly helps aid in understanding the American man and womans conflict. Depending on who you ask in the relationship, the conflict they have is with an unwanted pregnancy and the title helps you vastly understand this disagreement. The title helps show the extreme buildup of tension that the relationship has so much of. Very fast you can tell how much importance the title will hold when reading the first line, “The hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white”. If you are familiar with the Ebro Valley located in Spain you can tell something is off due to Spain rarely, if ever, gets snow, which would make the hills white. If you are not familiar with the Ebro Valley, the end of the first paragraph of the story explains how it is located in Spain. While Hemingway explains how it was very hot, further confusing and peaking the interest of the reader, when the reader knows hills can not be white, implying filled with snow, and also be a very hot day. It is in this first paragraph that you can see how big a role the title will play into the story, and more importantly the conflict of their relationship. The next time the hills like white elephants reference is brought up, “They look like white elephants,” she said. “I’ve never seen one,” the man drank his beer. “No, you wouldn’t have.”, is the most important part of the whole story. This part of the story is where the tension in their relationship is beginning to show. This is where the reader starts to see that this story is about so much more than a couple just waiting for a train. The reader is now able to realize that this couple is falling on hard times in which they are having one of the toughest conversations a couple could have. What is important is the fact that they disagree on such a huge decision. What I feel is most important in those short three lines though is that the man misses her point she is making and takes her words literally instead of figuratively

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