
Conflicts In The Scarlet Ibis, And The Necklace

Decent Essays

Conflicts are the driving point of most writing. Identifying them is very important to understanding the work itself. In order to get the full meaning, you must dissect the conflict and see how it works. Look at what made it happen and its results. Then, you can see what was really going on.
Within the stories I've read this semester, I found three characters that overcame their problems. They are Walter (Raisin in the Sun), Brother (The Scarlet Ibis), and Mathilde Loisel (The Necklace). Although some of these characters didn't solve their conflicts in the way they wanted to, their trouble did indeed end up being solved. Walter wanted his son to have a nice life, Brother didn't want Doodle to be his brother, and Mathilde wanted to replace her friend's necklace. …show more content…

He invested in a bar that didn't work out the way he wanted. But, in the end, he made the right choice to move into a new house. He learned to respect sacrifices others made for him and to be more careful in his decisions. Brother is an extremely selfish character that hates Doodle's disability with a passion. He overworked his brother to death, literally. Technically, he did get rid of his brother's disability, ending the conflict. In the end, he learned to not overwork others and to not put himself first. Mathilde took out a loan to pay for a necklace of her friend's that she lost. She worked many years to make back the money she owed. Once she was free of debt and told her friend what had ended, the conflict cycle ended. Mathilde realized communication is key as the conclusion. These characters solved their problems, but there are others who

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