
Consequences Of A Superficial Dream : Will Loman

Better Essays

Sandra Marcushamer
Miss O’Connell
English II – 3
April 20, 2015
Consequences of a Superficial Dream: Will Loman
Various numbers and symbols throughout Death of a Salesman, by Arthur Miller, highlight an important equation worth noticing that prove Willy Loman’s frame on life. Success is equal to money; money is greater than life; success and money lead to fame and name brands, which lead to ultimate happiness. A man, more living than dead in his own dream fails to interpret the importance of life any other way. Because of his failed outlook, he believes his self worth is better off dead than alive. His lack of honesty and impersonation of a man contrary to himself are of his biggest failures in pursuing a superficial dream that consequence to his death.
Willy Loman, protagonist of the play is a salesman who has worked for the Wagner Company over thirty years. Always seeming to sell very little, Willy’s personal posestions extend from an old refrigerator to a falling apart car. Just like his objects, he himself is also deteriorating and in need of constant fixing or encouragement to make it just one more day. He constantly tells himself, Linda, Biff and Happy that he is an omnipotent person. “America is full of beautiful towns and fine, upstanding people. And they know me, boys, they know me up and down New England. The finest people. And when I bring you fellas up, there’ll be open sesame for all of us, ’cause one thing, boys: I have friends. I can park my car in any street

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