
Constitution Vs Lord Of The Flies Essay

Decent Essays

Lord of the Flies and The Constitution of US After reading Lord of the Flies and being able to recite part of the Constitution and knowing specific claims that relate to the world, I’ve come up with similarities and differences of The Constitution and Lord of the Flies. Some claims that will be recognized are “Society is what holds everyone together and without society, our ideals, values, and sense of right and wrong are lost,” “Whenever groups of people coexist, there will be a struggle for power,” “Some people are meant to be leaders; some are meant to be followers,” and “When institutions of law and order slip away or are ignored, human beings revert to a more primitive part of their nature.” One claim I’m using to compare LOTF …show more content…

The Constitution and LOTF are different because there is a bigger “group” in the US and in the book, there are only under 10 people. Another claim is “Some people are meant to be leaders; some are meant to be followers.” The Constitution and the LOTF share this similarity because in the LOTF Ralph became the leader because he acted like one; others like Piggy, were more of a follower than a leader. In the Constitution, not everyone can be a president or someone who leads others, so they are the follower. For example, a president leads a whole country and the people in the country are followers, and the president stands as the leader of them. The difference between LOTF and the Constitution with this claim is that someone competes against others to be a president and they debate, however in LOTF, the boys voted for one person and he was the leader, without any questions. The last claim to compare LOTF and the US Constitution is “When institutions of law and order slip away or are ignored, human beings revert to a more primitive part of their nature.” This correlates to the Constitution because it mentions things about laws and if people ignored the Constitution, then they wouldn’t know the rules to have a certain occupation that has to do with laws. If, they didn’t have rules to have a specific job, someone can be untrusted and abuse the rules. In LOTF, the claim relates to the boys because if they

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