
Consumerism And Technology In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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Remember the last time you bought a piece of clothing. Now, ask yourself: did you specifically go to a store to buy this item with a notion that it is going to become an essential and necessary part of your wardrobe? For most of us the answer is no. In his essay, “Accidental Bricoleurs,” Rob Horning argues that consumers have been forced to create their identities from an ever changing variety of trendy goods and services. The author pictures the world as a place shaped by consumerism and technology with people forced to share everything about themselves while being artificially limited in means of self-expression. One can easily draw a parallel between Horning’s depiction of our world with Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. In this paramount novel, Huxley creates a world made of happy ignorance, drugs, sex, and everlasting consumerism. At the same time, none of the following are present: free choice, privacy, and high art. All of these is achieved through advances in science including that allowed for artificial birth and hypnopaedia, learning through sleep-talk. Moreover, this world uses only one language: English. As predicted by Leonard in the essay, “Death by Monoculture,” such a situation implied a loss of ways of “conceptually framing things” (147). By looking at arguments presented by Horning and Leonard and comparing their view of the future implication of our current actions to Brave New World, one can show that the widespread of technology facilitated by consumerism

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