
Contemporary Issues In Supreme Court Cases

Decent Essays

Both articles deal with contemporary issues that are subject to much controversy in our era. The supreme court ruling of both cases show just how a constitutional government works and how judicial review is practiced. Although all parties may not agree with the outcomes of the cases, it is safe to say that the final verdict serves to protect the interest of the people; the main principle for our distant, yet recent revolution, and the creation of a nation destined to serve as a model for the rest of the world. In Supreme Court rules in favor of same-sex marriage nationwide we are able to see the slow progression of one of the most debated issues ever presented. The topic of gay marriage seemed to linger in every United States court room, …show more content…

With the insight of many highly respected court officials, such as justice Antonin Scalia, who defended his claim by looking at the roots of the Fourth amendment, and its protection against government intrusions, as stated by the article. The debate whether the Fourth amendment even protects people from being tracked by satellite GPS was tackled by various perspectives, to the allusion of George Orwell’s 1984 and to the infamous court case United States v. Jones. The reversion of a cocaine-trafficking conviction, where it was deemed, “unlawful” to use our modern surveillance technologies to “search” without a warrant. In the end, the decision serves as another example on how 18th century ideology is interpreted and practiced in our contemporary …show more content…

It also allowed the Court to review and interpret the Fourth amendment as a means of protection, even from technology. In addition to judicial review, comes the principle of a Constitutional government, and through it, same-sex marriage is protected by the constitution as well as the right to privacy. Same-sex couples are now guaranteed the same rights that hetero couples enjoy, such as insurance status, inheritance, visitation right, and adoption/custody. Knowing that a warrant is needed to be tracked, one can now be more at ease with the worries that are consequential to the advance technology of the 21st century. With progress, new problems arise, and although the document that supports our country was written centuries ago, it is malleable, and through ambiguity, is able to ensure that our worries are dealt with, and our protection and right to pursuit happiness will always be

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