
Contrast Of Bandwagoning Between The Crucible And Modern Day

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Contrast of Bandwagoning Between The Crucible and Modern Day On a typical Sunday, is your family glued to your couch with all eyes directed onto the TV? If so, the word bandwagon probably means something to you… Maybe you are even a bandwagoner, you are just too afraid to admit it. Have you never experienced a losing in your life? Do you have more than one favorite sports team for each sport you watch? If you were asked to name more than half of a sports team on the spot could you do it? If you said yes to at least one of these, odds are that you are considered a bandwagoner… at least in the eyes of sports news reporter Gus Turner. Today the world has obviously evolved since the late 1600’s, however the idea of bandwagoning has remained synonymous today since the era of the Salem Witch Trials. In the famous 1952 stage play The Crucible, Arthur Miller relays the idea that Bandwagoning is still colloquial in today’s world. In observance, How does The Crucible contrast with modern day examples of Bandwagoning? The term bandwagon comes from Dan Rice, an entertainer from the late 1800’s. Rice one many talents, was commonly known for his gig of being a clown. A bandwagon is a wagon that carries a band through a parade. However during 1948, Rice traveled the country on a bandwagon in coalition with Zachary Taylor’s presidential campaign tour. Using bandwagon as a slang word came about during the campaign because Rice would encourage people to “join the bandwagon” and vote Taylor

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