
Contributions Of The Mayan Civilization

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In examining world history, it is crucial to recognize the significance of the Mayan Civilization. This civilization differentiates from others due to their contributions made. The most notable contributions following their success were the Mayan calendar and system of mathematics, prosperous agriculture, and writing system.
The Mayan calendar was one of the most complex of the ancient Americas. Mayan priests composed two calendars with two types of year. The first calendar was the Haab, a solar year of 365 days used to monitor their agriculture. The second, was the Tzolk’in calendar, a ritual year of 260 days that was used for daily affairs. The Mayans also constructed a number system based on the calendars. “The Maya calendar on which the number system was based had names for each of the individual parts” (46), writes Gary Salyers in his article, The Number System of the Mayas. There were nine different time periods, each with a corresponding name and numerical value. The first unit was the day, or kin. Twenty kins composed the second unit of one unial. The third order was composed of eighteen unials, that made the tun, or three hundred and sixty kins. The Mayans also had corresponding symbols for their numbers. Salyers also mentioned that “They had a symbol of a special head to represent each of the first thirteen numbers and zero, which were regarded as primary numbers” (46). Interestingly enough, the Mayans created the concept of zero. They also built temples and

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