
Control In Macbeth Essay

Decent Essays

In Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth, the witches, along with Macbeth’s ambitions, are in control; Shakespeare reveals that control through the paradoxes in the witches’ prophecies and through Macbeth’s thought process, all of which work to develop the idea that death is inevitable. The first instance where control can be seen is after the witches gave their prophecies. Macbeth’s first thought after hearing the prophecies is murder. The witches never said anything about how Macbeth is going to become king, however, Macbeth draws his own plot and tries to do things his own way. Even though it was Macbeth’s own decision to kill King Duncan, the witches were the ones who influenced him by giving him the prophecy. Shakespeare reveals Macbeth’s …show more content…

His desire to stay in power overcomes him as he realizes that Banquo’s son may take his place. Shakespeare reveals Macbeth’s feelings about his best friend after becoming king in another soliloquy: “To be thus is nothing; but to be safely thus. Our fears in Banquo stick deep, and in his royalty of nature reigns that which would be fear’d…” (3.1.48-51). Macbeth’s fears of Banquo are expressed, and it all started because he heard that prophecy about Banquo. Macbeth does not see much point in becoming king if he in not “safely thus”. In order to preserve his power, he feels the need to sacrifice other people’s lives. The murderous path he has chosen will only lead him to death, as people will find out and kill him for it, contributing to the theme that death is inevitable. In conclusion, Macbeth’s desire to stay in power is what made him choose to take another life; however, if it was not for the witches, he would not have felt a need to carry out any of the deeds he has done. The last prophecies that Macbeth hears are meant to assure his safety; however, he can not be too sure. The first apparition warns him of MacDuff, but the second and third apparitions counter that by making the illusion that Macbeth is perfectly safe and that nobody can harm him. Shakespeare highlights Macbeth’s continuous desire to be safe and to remain in power in his response to

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